Thursday, November 15, 2007

...of pink-eye, antibiotics and wordless communication

“Are you concerned that she isn’t talking yet?”
“No. Is she obviously intelligent and happy? Does she have any deformity in her mouth or with her tongue? Is she vocal? Does she get her point across?”
“Alright already – no, no – it’s just the boys keep coming back telling me what Evelyn is saying.”
“Don’t make it a competition now.”
“I don’t, it’s just…”
“I know it’s time for her to start talking.”
And from her position in the kitchen at her booster seat covered in Yogurt comes, as if on queue, a bellowed, “Unh!” Lily would apparently like a sip of her Mom’s wine. She gets chocolate milk instead, but given the monstrous grin, the hug of the sippy cup, and the joyful babbling, I think a reasonable compromise from her perspective. And she is so obviously as smart as her disturbingly smart brothers, JT with his savant like ability with spelling and reading, his seeming ease with school and Matt’s near genius like math abilities and pure love of learning. She understands everything, engages in very serious humour and is as busy and independent as any 16 month old ever to grace the planet. The boys just spoke so early, I get it, it’s a little unnerving she isn’t speaking 100 miles/hour yet. All will be well, and the little monkey will speak. I’m sure someday, in the not too distant future, one of you lovely people will remind me of the day I wished for the floodgate to open.
Jen has both JT and Lily home today with pink-eye. Actually Lily, the little trooper, is battling a nasty cold, bacterial overgrowth in her ears AND pink-eye. And through all of this she motors on, wrecking the house one room at a time, repeatedly causing the rest of us to laugh and fall back in love with her. You have to see her dance. And have her run into your arms for a hug, or see,’cheesy face.’ Did I mention recently that we are truly blessed? Well if not – consider this public acknowledgment.
Prepare yourselves, because the season of horde like decent upon your homes by the attacking Nicholson’s is nigh. We’re coming. And we can’t wait. See you all soon.

