Gleeful and attentive the whole family stands leaning towards the radio in the kitchen. Small town radio stations serve their purpose. And their purpose during the morning bustle on most days in the homes peopled with combinations of toddlers, school age kids and harried parents is to provide a hum. White noise - competing with the clammer of Dads looking for gym gear, kids yelling, Moms gently marshaling all - sing song DJ’s voices and overproduced machined pop-crap adding to and miraculously softening the din. Given the state of todays music, very, very occasionally said radio station will play an actual song, written by someone with talent and sung with feeling and backed by honest to goodness musicianship. During those rare moments families may sing along, or even, and hopefully, dance. But mostly it’s noise emanating from the mini stereo, Bose under-counter, or oddly shaped ghetto blaster that does radio duty in the kitchen. On days, however, in winter, when winds blow and snow falls, then local radio stations have a far greater purpose. They announce school and work storm closures.
Not sure what transpired in your varied worlds today weather-wise but we awoke to a full on Maritime winter blow. Wind whipping the snow blindingly across the road in front of the house was a good sign. Now all hope in the house rested on the weather forecast at 7 AM. Yup, worsening weather throughout the day deepened wishes and finally and triumphantly the announcement - Storm Day for all. Admittedly, this meant little to two young boys already on Christmas Break, but to a Dad still required at work and a Mom hoping for adult company, well this was a heraldic moment of great joy. An interesting thing about jigs even if you have never been taught how to dance one, certain occurrences bring ability, and a jig you will dance. Storms are two-edged swords in this instance (of course we are excepting outright storms in any way truly dangerous, or heaven forbid, mortal) in that they may leave you home, then lift, leaving the day to be enjoyed out of doors, or settle in and continue to pummel, locking all inside. The shack wacky inducing variety beset us today.
Lest we forget that good fortune befell our home today, being locked in is never a good thing for the Nicholson family. We are at our best outside and later, kinder and happier with rosy cheeks, warm, wasted and resting under blankets. This is true, but what is also true is that we are adaptable. So today blocks were stacked and recitals given, books read, naps had and Potter marathons begun. What a great and unexpected way to begin the holiday season. Nothing to do, really, nothing. No where to go. No email, no phone calls, no work commitments, no rinks and piano lessons. Nothing to do but rest and keep moderately busy. I hope all of you had or will have just such a day. Our world is a very busy, very bustle inducing world. Wheels spin constantly and the whir is enough to blind us to what is really important. Cuddles at 2 PM. Towers that reach to the sky. Brothers and sisters that laugh till they can’t breathe. These things matter as much as whether or not GM is rescued or if the credit markets loosen. Or at least they should. And today, locked in watching the world turn white, safe and sound, they did.
Love B
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